The national examination results for the academic year 2023/2024 indicate that a margin number of candidates who sat for the Primary Leaving exams fetched lower marks in English and Mathematics in contrast to the percentage of those who passed in other subjects.
According to National Examination and School Inspection Authority figures indicate the overall performance of students was high with girls scoring 97% beating boys who performed at 96.6%. However, the figures of performance for Primary Leaving Examination falters particularly when it came to English subject whereby a number of 18,880 out of 201,964 candidates failed while 56,643 out of 201,839 also failed in Mathematics.
Furthermore, results indicate that Science and Elementary Technology become were seemingly not simple for students whereby a total of 1,037 failed the subject. The total percentage of failed students in Mathematics stands at 28.06% and 9.35% in English compared to other subjects. For instance, the percentage of failed students in social studies is low as 0.32% and 0.47% in Kinyarwanda and 0.51 in Science and Elementary Technology.
Nonetheless, the overall performance in Primary Leaving Examination were high in all subjects whereby a total of 200,913 out of 201,950 passed in Science and Elementary Technology and 201,009 students out 201,950 passed in Kinyarwanda. In Social and Religious Studies, a bigger number of 201,260 out 201,8 97 passed Kinyarwanda exams and 183,084 out of 201,964 passed English exam.
Meanwhile, the general performance in PLE stands at 3.2% whereby percentage of females who passed stands at 3.0% and 3.4% on males.
The Minister of Education, Minister Gaspard Twagirayezu speaking at the publication of National Examination Exams 2023/2024 said the overall Performance of students were high per see but said more engagement is going to be invested in to improve the performance of students in subjects of Mathematics and English.
“The overall performance of students was all better except in Science and mathematics and English. We are looking forward to work on the matter as we setup more laboratories despite the fact we are increasing it,” Minister Twagirayezu said.
He said “There is a dire need to improve teaching kit as well as improving the capacity of the teachers in schools.”
“Seemingly Mathematics, English as well as Science subjects have failed the students this year but we are engaging more effort to bolster the level of foundational learning in schools,” he added.
In O-level’s a total of 143,871 candidates sat the exam and 80,327 were females while males were 63,444. And 93.8% passed the exam whereby only a margin of 6.2% failed the exam.
A total of 203, 098 candidates sat for the 2023/2024 exams whereby the females were 111,835 and the male were 91,263.
Top performers in PLE
Denys Prince Tuyisenge who won a gold medal at the Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO) emerged the second on the list of the top performers of 2023-2024 in Ordinary Level National Examinations. Other top perfomers include Lucky Fabrice Igiraneza from Pioneer school Bugesera district and Pacifique Alliance Igeno from Irerero Academy, Kamonyi district.
Also, Remezo Kirezi Benitha of Ecole Autonome De Butare emerge on the better performers list and Nshuti Davy Senga, Kigali Parents and Vanesa Kazubwenge Mahirwe from Ep Espoir De L'Avenir.