The 13-year-old Indian students sang the song "Mwakire Indabo" by the Rwandan artist, Ndayizhimie Joseph Musinga during the 30th Commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutis held in the capital of India, New Delhi.
This event was organized by the Embassy of Rwanda in India and was attended by Rwandans and their friends living in that country.
The students from Bal Bharti Public School in India joined the Rwandans to commemorate with songs and performances. They sang ‘Mwakire Indabo’ which meant ‘Welcome the Flowers’ as a tribute to the Tutsis who were killed in the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994 to console Rwandans.
'Mwakire Indabo' or ‘Welcome the Flowers’ is a story of an orphaned child of the Genocide against the Tutsis who tells the deceased parents how he fares during the aftermath.
In translation, the lyrics of the song reads:
Receive this flowers as a gift I have gifted to you and your fellows to whom you departed together. Let them smell good to you, it’s the gift of those branches that sprouted, it’s of the gift of the Inkotanyi that you spoke about, it’s of the grandchildren that sprouted please accept the gifts.
Other verses say;
I would have built you a house, I would have spoiled you during your old ages but I didn’t manage, father, what were you planning for me? Was it school or something else? Did you know that I married? Did you know that your last born married? And so far with four children, please accept the gifts we have brought for and listen this word too.