Some people in our lives teach us how to live this goddamn life happily no matter how screwed up things might be. Apart from being a university student in civil engineering specifically high ways engineering, he is a hard-working, a helping hand, a supporter and a hope for a better future of his family, a citizen to our nation, a social media manager, a tour planner and operator, digital marketer and a voice of artists.
Charles Darwin said “it is neither the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. Responding to changes requires everyday determination and a strong personality and this is what GAHIZI Jules possesses. Jules the CEO and founding member of JIKU Safaris Rwanda which is a Tourism Company, as a young innovative visualized where the economy of the country was heading due to strong effort made in tourism, and take it as an opportunity of turning his dream of helping people live happy life by travelling and exploring the beauty of a thousand hills country into reality.
For him, what keeps him going no matter what, is his confidence and dedication. He said and I quoted "In this world no one is going to see your potentials more than you can." His personality is his most prized possession. “Me as an entrepreneur, I’m that person who has the ability of adapting to this new normal world, I can do what it takes to save my business and also as a digital marketer, I make sure what I’m doing is existing in digital word.” He said
Dreams are essence of life not as it is but as it can be. Everyone has that thing on his mind which you can wish to live long and see! His number one dream on the list is getting more money, enjoying life, creating a village where he will help people to live a happy life, providing them with food, job, and other special needs...
This multi-tasking young initiator has an advice for youth which is to be creative, and most importantly being yourself, which is the only thing that will differentiate you from others. Everyone in this world has something to offer, just say what you have to say; you don’t know who you’re helping out there. “Youth need to have creative mind and create their own job because this will help them and their future families, you can’t give what you don’t have.”